
Pets, landscaping, temporary relocation, and home improvement needs/opportunities are just a few of the issues we can discuss here. Rather than just having things done to or for us, can we find out what each other is going through, offer support, suggestions or solutions?

Feel free to post using your Google ID if you have one, or Name/URL. (If you leave URL blank just your name will show up.)


  1. First of all, big thanks to Pat Cline for initiating and People wanted space on the internet just for us, and now we have it!

    I am not living in the neighborhood right now, but own a home there. Remediation on my street hasn't begun yet, so I am anxious to hear from people going through it, how is it going?

  2. Hi Residents and home owners,

    My name is sally Ince. I am a senior at the University of Florida majoring in photojournalism and I was wanting to do a photo story about the Cabot Koppers Superfund. I currently have permission from Scott Miller to photograph the dumping site of the soil. However, I am still having trouble finding any residents or home owners who have been affected by this issue. I was wondering if you know of any of you would allow me photograph the renovation of your yard. This process will require no inconvenience and would only take a short amount of time. Please let me know if any of you would be willing to let me take some photos.

    Sally Ince

    (352) 476-2355

    1. Hi Sally, I would love to have you photograph the renovation of my yard. I am sending you an email. Thanks.

  3. Are any of the businesses going to be reimbursed for any closures that may be necessary during the clean up?

    1. I don't think any businesses needed to be closed during the cleanup.

  4. Is it safe to swim in hogtown creek??

    1. Yes. This is a shallow urban creek - wading not swimming is likely. Surface water concentrations are low. Localized areas may have sediment concentrations above residential soil criteria (soil criteria are based on 350 days/year for 30 years; including ingestion and inhalation - not really relevant for sediments). There may be a few localized areas with tar-like materials from the Cabot site - but most have been removed and are not a short term health hazard.

  5. Thanks! I spoke to environmental protection services today, they said it was unsafe due to runoff and fecal bacteria. Is this true?

    1. It is an urban creek. The runoff / fecal bacteria are not related to the Superfund site - but are considerations. Because bacteria exceed criteria, a "TMDL" ( is trying to look at sources and reduce concentrations. Some of these criteria are based on full body recreational exposures - not likely in the creek ( This is complex. Perhaps clarifying how you use the creek would be helpful.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
